Our newly published storybook that hopes to teach the reader about how to protect oneself from the coronavirus, simple hygiene concerns, how to face and handle the stress, and how to triumph over such difficulties with each other's help and love from our families.
Philippine Journal of Child Sexual Abuse – Volume 12, 2023
Developing effective services to meet the needs of boys who have been sexually abused: An exploratory study
Renz Argao, Ph.D., Shella Gonzales, BS Psychology, MSW, Lois Engelbrecht, Ph.D.
The Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse and Family for Every Child (2017) documented the shared needs stated by boys who were not sexually abused, boys who had been sexually abused, and young men incarcerated for sexually offending. While the paper was meant to seek prevention strategies, it did also highlight the lack of abuse-focused services to sexually abused boys and young
men incarcerated for sexual offences. This study thus set out to determine those possible gaps in service to boys with recommendations to fill those gaps. A research review guided the exploration of needed services to boys in institutions with an eye to gender-focused care. The study outlined the general academic, health, psychosocial, psychosexual, family, and spiritual needs of boys, and guided the design of a quantitative survey and follow-up qualitative interviews. The data from the survey and interviews documented the goals that institutions hold to provide holistic services to their male clients. Gaps or weaknesses in the services that would need to be strengthened to better meet the meet the needs of abused and exploited boys and young men in institutions include an increase of male social workers and increased understanding of abuse-focused care for sexually abused boys. These weaknesses can be handled by both schools of social work and seminars.