Our newly published storybook that hopes to teach the reader about how to protect oneself from the coronavirus, simple hygiene concerns, how to face and handle the stress, and how to triumph over such difficulties with each other's help and love from our families.
Philippine Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (PJCSA)
Philippine Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (PJCSA)
An Interdisciplinary Publications
The Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse has a history of sharing our work and experience in order to empower individuals and groups to prevent and treat child sexual abuse. We opened our doors for service following a year of collecting research and research-based services on which to build effective services for our children and their families. The challenge we always had was that the research was based in the West. Every step we made was about looking at the research and testing how it would work for our population.
A year after we began our services, we launched our annual Summer Institute with three sessions, one that focused on general awareness, one on prevention and one on treatment services. We shared the research from the West and our practices. We listened to the participants, gaining more insight as we widened our network. Our services and practices have evolved over the years based on evolving insight and research.
This journal has long been a goal of CPTCSA. And now, because of the professional network we’ve built over the years and funding from Terre des Hommes Netherlands, we are pleased to finally see this goal reach fruition. We have always conducted our own ongoing assessment of our clients, shielding them from the outside. However, with the launch of this journal, CPTCSA has written guidelines for how we can open our work and our clients to outside research while still protecting them physically, emotionally and socially. Our goal is to publish indigenous research to gain respect for our indigenous research-based practices and build insights based in the Philippine psychology and experience from a multidisciplinary perspective.
– Editorial note from volume 1